Absolver - Mastering New Styles Using Schools - Magic Game World

Absolver – Mastering New Styles Using Schools


Mastering New Styles Using Schools

You begin the game with only 1 style, but it is possible to master all 4 on a single character using schools. This guide will touch on finding and joining schools and using them to unlock combat styles permanently.




At the beginning of the game, you are allowed to choose one of 3 fighting styles. Congratulations! You’re a quarter of the way to having all 4 styles and a fancy new achievement.





Finding and Joining Schools

Currently, the only way to learn new styles is to join a school. An easy way to join a school without having a friend with the style you want to go to your encounters.




The triangles next to some players’ names show that the player is in a school, and if you highlight their name, you can see what style their school uses. To join the school, select their name, select “view/join the school,” and finally, “join school” will be on the left side. Once you are part of the school, you can use its combat deck or even just the style with your own deck. On the style selection, your new style will have a blue icon. The blue is to show that using it in combat trials will earn you more school exp.




Now that you have the style, you can use it freely as long as you are in school. However, if you leave the school, you will no longer have access to it. This isn’t very helpful if you want all 4 styles, so you need to unlock it permanently.



Permanently Unlocking Styles

To keep a style after leaving school, you need to master it, although the process of doing so is quite a grind. Mastering a style requires you to use the style’s unique defensive technique (avoid for the windfall, parry for forsaken, absorb for khalt, and defensive attacks for stagger) to protect against oncoming attacks. Successfully using the defense will fill up a meter similarly to learning new moves.




The easiest way to do this solo is to find an enemy with a consistent and predictable attack pattern and focusing on landing the defense. With windfall and forsaken style, it is possible to fully master the style with only one enemy because they do not require you to hurt the enemy or take damage. Alternatively, you can have a friend use predictable moves that you can consistently defend against. The experience you earn works like learning a new move; you will only keep it if you kill the enemy. Once you have mastered the style, you can change schools without worrying about losing access to it.




  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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