A Short Hike Cheats - Magic Game World

A Short Hike Cheats

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Cheat Codes

Hey! Since this is a single player game it should be okay to reveal the cheats in this game. Some may be neat for speed-running or experimenting, some are fun to try out after you finished the game.

First be sure to enable cheat codes by writing the following cammand on your keyboard:



You should see a little toast in the upper left corner afterwards.



Keyboard commandDescription

featherplz – get a golden feather

nopeplz – remove one golden feather

sunhatplz – get a sun hat

coinsplz – get 50 coins

shellsplz – get 14 shells

shovelplz – get a shovel

shoesplz – get running shoes

greedyplz – get all items once (just one fish)

allfishplz – get a fish of each species

fpsplz – toggle fps counter display

speedrunplz – toggle speed run clock display

hideuiplz – hide user interface

showuiplz – show user interface

15fpsplz – set maximum fps to 15 and disable vsync

45fpsplz – set maximum fps to 45 and disable vsync

lowresplz – render with a width of 480

midresplz – render with a width of 622

highresplz – render with the width of the current display

cinemaplz – enable cinema camera

imstuckplz – teleport to aunt

fishplz – toggle faster fishing

fasterplz – double the game speed

slowerplz – half the game speed




Secret Achievements

Remember This Day Forever

“Get the commemorative hat.”


To unlock this achievement, you have to score 30 points or more in a game called “Beachstickball”.


You can find this game on a beach by going north from the probably abandoned building.


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“Eat a piece of toast.”


To unlock this achievement you have to eat the infamous local dish “Strawberries and Toast”. (You only get a Toast, because they are out of strawberries) 🙁


To get this “infamous dish” you have to talk to the guy who gave you Golden Feathers and Provincial Park Hat at 5PM after reading the Hawk Peak Provincial Park sign first!


Tip: You don’t have to wait for 5PM, you can just change your Windows time 🙂


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  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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