Chrono Ghost - Guide & Tips - Magic Game World

Chrono Ghost – Guide & Tips

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Guide & Tips

Chrono Ghost Abilities:

Speed up time, Slow Down Time, Stop Time – using the left controller bumper slows down time, using the right controller bumper speeds up time, and pressing both the left and right bumper together stops time. (Stop Time has a limit bar whereas speed up and slow down have unlimited use)



Chrono Ghost Abilities Mechanics Control:

All Green outlined obstacles in Chrono Ghost are affected by the time controlling mechanics, whereas all Red outlined obstacles are immune to the time control mechanics.



Chrono Ghost Natural Abilities:

Jump – Can be combined with the Dash ability and the Dash ability cool down. Short hop jumps and long extended jumps can be performed by tapping and long-pressing the jumps button.


Crouch – Crouch to avoid certain obstacles.


Dash – Has a cool-down indicator above the character. Dashing out into an open space (off a ledge) + Jumping will allow Chrono Ghost to Dash again.


Camera panning – (Controller) By pressing the B button allows the player to see what is in front to the right.



Chrono Ghost Platforms:

Green – Static, Moving, and Falling


Red – Static Moving and, Falling


Blue – These are bouncing platforms – The player receives a jump once reaching peak jumping height.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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