Dawn of Man - Production/Storage Tips - Magic Game World

Dawn of Man – Production/Storage Tips

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Tips and Hints

  • Stock up on wood and stone and make sure you’ve got plenty of stockpiles throughout the village. It’ll cut down on those long walks. Plus, they’re free to set up. No-brainer, right?


  • Copper tools? Not gonna lie, they’re more for show. They don’t really offer upgrades from what you’ve already got. Maybe make about 10 of each for those knowledge points, but then sprint straight to Bronze tools. Those are the real deal.


  • Got a bunch of farms? Cool. Make sure you’ve got sickles on deck. Like, a lot. Aim for 75% of your tools to be sickles. And when Bronze and Steel come into play, put those sickles on the top of your to-build list. Those early sickle versions might not cut it (literally) when harvest time comes around.


  • Boost the priority on crafting, leather, and skins production. Tools are the heart of your operations, so don’t sleep on them.


  • As your village gets bigger, ease up on the tool production. Adjust the numbers for axes and picks, maybe x10, 15, or 20 depending on how many folks you’ve got. A lot of them will be busy with farming. But items like fishing lines? Keep them coming. They’re gold when trading.


  • Bone spears and hooks are pretty much on par with their flint counterparts. And with all those bones from hunting, why not use them up? At least until you can start making bows and fishing lines.


  • Storage tip: Remember, even a single item eats up a whole storage slot. So when you’re moving up in the world, consider selling off old stuff, even if the return isn’t that great. Space is precious.


  • Got beer? Nice. It’s not just for fun; it can reduce those trips to spirituality buildings. And it gets the job done faster too. If food’s abundant, keep the beer flowing. Not only is it a mood booster, but it’s also a solid trading item.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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