Dawn of Man – Trading - Magic Game World

Dawn of Man – Trading

Dawn of Man – Trading

Got your hearth up and running? Great! That’s not just your settlement’s hotspot; it’s also where traders drop by, each with their own deal to offer. You’ll see three kinds of traders – Low, Average, and High – and they all bring something different to the table.


Now, trading might seem straightforward, but there’s a bit of an art to it. Here’s some savvy advice to get the most bang for your buck:


  • Keep Your Eyes on the Prices: Don’t get tripped up by hidden decimal points. Sometimes, doubling a product doesn’t double the price like you’d expect. Always double-check your math.


  • Raw Materials Over Finished Goods: Whenever you can, buy the raw stuff and craft it yourself. Turning bones into bone harpoons or skins into slings and clothes can really rake in the wealth. But a heads-up: avoid selling flint tools. Flint’s a limited resource, and you’ll want to keep that for your own use.


  • Prices Change with the Times: What’s hot in the Stone Age might not fetch much in the Iron Age. Keep that in mind, especially with primitive tools like bifaces…


  • Condition Matters: Traders are picky. They won’t buy anything in bad shape. So, you need to have storage buildings to trade. And here’s a pro tip: if something’s about to spoil, trade it for something fresher. Just remember, if it’s too far gone, traders won’t touch it.


  • Traders Level Up Too: As your settlement grows, traders will bring better and cooler stuff.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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