Half-Life: Alyx Cheats & Console Commands - Magic Game World

Half-Life: Alyx Cheats & Console Commands

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Cheats & Console Commands

Head on over to your Steam library and right-click on the game itself. From there click on the Properties menu, select “Set Launch Options”, this will then show another window, here you will need to type the following:

-console -vconsole


Click on OK. The console is now enabled in-game.


Once you’re in-game, press the “~” key on your keyboard located below the escape key, after pressing it you will see a window pop up. This will be shown on your PC screen not the VR headset. Choose “Command” and then type the following command that will enable the usage of cheats

“sv_cheats 1”


All Cheats

Console Command


God Toggles invincibility
Buddha Take damage but cheat death
Impulse 101 Gives all weapons and 20 resin
Impulse 102 Gives all weapon upgrades
Sv_infinite_ammo 1 Toggle infinite ammo
Sv_infinite_clips 1 Toggle infinite ammo in your magazine, so you won’t be required to reload.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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