League Of Legends - Neeko Signature Combos Guide - Magic Game World

League Of Legends – Neeko Signature Combos Guide

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It’s only been a few days since her release, so there is still much more to be discovered. Here are some of her bread and butter combos that you should become familiar with to maximize your impact with her kit.



Q + E

Your Q can deal extra damage if you land it on an enemy champion. If you can hit the enemy with it and then follow up immediately with your E to root them, it will keep them in place while your Q continues to detonate and deal more damage to the enemy.



E + Q

Like the previous combo, if you can land your E on the enemy, you can use your Q afterwards to deal follow up damage. As your E isn’t going to always root the enemy instantly, using your Q like this may allow for multiple detonations. Depending on how far away the enemy is, you may find more success with this combo.



W + Q + E or W + E + Q

This combo specifically utilizes Neeko’s W. When using her W, you want to make sure that you can surprise the enemy and not let them know which one is the real you. When ganking, roaming or fighting the enemy, this may be difficult though- so you’ll need a lot of practice. The best time to use this combo would be when you’ve set eyes on the enemy straight from a bush or the river. Another prime example would be if you’re trying to turn around a fight.



E + Q + R or Q + E + R

The issue with Neeko’s ultimate is that it does have quite a long charge time. Ideally, you would want to use her Ultimate to either start a fight or finish it. It may be difficult for you to use your Ultimate mid fight because you are held into a position which may give the enemy a chance to react to escape or kill you. This is why it is fantastic to hit a root prior to using your Ultimate.



(Passive) W + R + E + Q

If you have taken the form of another champion, you’ll be able to cast your Ultimate when disguised. Using your W to get into position and then casting your Ultimate almost immediately will allow you to have a higher success rate when using it. This specific combo – IE when you use your Ultimate near the start, relies heavily on your team to stun or keep the enemy in place.



(Passive) W + Flash + R + Zhonya Active

We mentioned this earlier in the items section, but if you missed it, this is one that you’re going to want to get used to. Casting Zhonya’s won’t cancel your ultimate animation so you can be in stasis while it goes off. If it’s safe you can follow this combo up with a Q + E or an E + Q.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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