MapleStory 2 – Fish with Unknown Locations - Magic Game World

MapleStory 2 – Fish with Unknown Locations

1 20

Fish with Unknown Locations

Pineapple Fish: Found in the ocean around Harang Island.


Star Candy Crab: Found in the ocean around Harang Island.


Broccoturtle: Found in the Turtcoli Cave sub-map in the Royal Road Plaza map. Entrance is next to the ladder east of the binoculars.


Horse Mackerel: Found in the water in the Victoria Runway sub-map in the Tria map.


Black Drum: Found in the water in the Victoria Runway sub-map in the Tria map.


Tiger Prawn: Found in the water in the Victoria Runway sub-map in the Tria map.


Toxic Flounder: Found in the Development Lab sub-map in the Goldus Pharmaceuticals map.


Sorrowfish: Found in the Development Lab sub-map in the Goldus Pharmaceuticals map.


Machodile: Found in the Van Corta dungeon, labelled as Hemokan the Fallen in the Dungeon Directory.


Seahorus: Found in the Horus’s Nest dungeon, the second map after you enter.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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