MapleStory 2 - Good Farming Locations for Wooden Chests - Magic Game World

MapleStory 2 – Good Farming Locations for Wooden Chests

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Good Farming Locations for Wooden Chests

-Crooked Canyon: The wooden chest behind Urza will always spawn there every 10 minutes making it an easy place to have a guaranteed wooden chest spawn. This chest will drop the voucher fragments and count towards the achievement to open wooden chests.



-North Royal Road: This is a small map and has loads of wooden chest spawns. Chests seem to spawn in bulk at xx:00 and xx:05 every hour. There’s a down time from xx:30 to xx:59.



-Revoldic Dam: A large map but circular making it easy to fly in a perfect loop hunting for chests. Chests seem to spawn in bulk at xx:30 and xx:40 every hour. There’s a down time from xx:00 to xx:29.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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