Minion Masters - Tips & Tricks - Magic Game World

Minion Masters – Tips & Tricks

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Here is a list of tricks you can use:


  • Rammer horde: use any ground horde minion type (like scrat horde or even blood imps), then send your rammer. The horde will soak any defense you’re enemy might have in place (excluding thorns) and escort the rammer safely to its destination.


  • Stun the tower: you can use the stun lancers to keep your opponent’s tower stunned (so his master can’t fight) and allow your strong minions to take down the tower. Remember that your opponent can still summon minions even when stunned.


  • Shield the vulnerable minions: the bannerman at the start won’t look very interesting, but he will protect 5 units around him with a shield that will absorb 1 hit from anything. This is the best way to protect your ranged units from instant death!


  • Small minions: while they might look useless, small ones (1-2 mana) can have great value in stopping dangerous minions like the Cleaver or Harbinger. These small minions will gladly sacrifice while you use stronger ones to kill the big creatures. Also, Scrat Horde and Propelled Horde can easily take down any big minion before they go down (unless your opponent is ready to stop them with AOE). Another great use for these minions is to take control of the bridges since your opponent will ignore them if he’s busy stopping something bigger.


  • Black Hole: the black hole is ideal for saving your units from harmful spells to prevent dangerous effects (like combustion) from taking place, but also to remove the shield from a divine warrior! Cast black hole on a divine warrior just spawned, and when the effect is over, it will be a normal warrior. You can also use the black hole to take a few units out of the battle while something dangerous is passing by to protect them.


  • Ghost: the ghost can be used to take not only control of enemy minions but also buildings! Take control of their scrat launchers or tombstones to cause some mayhem behind enemy lines (and maybe even deal some serious damage to the enemy tower).


  • Screaming Scrat: you can use this minion to distract one or more minions from their push while you recover mana. Also, you can use this little guy to pull the rammers back before it reaches your tower, giving you time to summon a proper counter.


  • Combustion: if you have a big tank pushing forward (like the statue, divine warrior, blue/red golem, colossus, trombadour, etc…), and enemy minions surround them, you can use combustion to sacrifice 150 hit points from the tank to clear all the enemies around it. You can also use it in case your tank is stunned and near-death to deal an additional 150 damage all around him to your opponent (especially if it’s near the tower).


  • Hypno Steal: if you cast hypnotize after your opponent has cast Gor’Rakk sacrifice, the cleaver that will spawn will be yours.
    This trick also works with wolf among sheep; you can convert the legionnaires before they reach 50% hp, and the werewolf that spawns will be yours; just make sure that after the conversion, the legionnaires keep taking damage.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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