Police Simulator: Patrol Officers - Police Computer - Magic Game World

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers – Police Computer

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Police Computer

The police computer helps Brighton’s patrol officers to keep up with information management. The Board Computer can be accessed via mobile phone in the interaction menu and in the patrol car. While the driver can only access the car’s computer while standing, the co-driver can also use it while on the move.


The police computer currently has four helpful applications. Switch application with Q and E on the keyboard or LB and RB on the gamepad.


  • City Map: The city map provides an overview of important locations like the current position, the location of the current callout, and the borders of the currently assigned beats. Open the map’s legend to get more information!


  • Background Check: Checking a person’s records can be vital to patrol officers. They hold information about the person’s criminal record as well as their motor vehicle. To get an entry in the Background checks application, patrol officers need to ask for somebody’s ID or focus on their license plate (Mouse: Right-click; gamepad: LT).


  • Reports: This application is only accessible at your desk, and only at the end of a shift.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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