Red Dead Redemption 2 PC – Hidden Guns & Where to Find Them - Magic Game World

Red Dead Redemption 2 PC – Hidden Guns & Where to Find Them

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Hidden Guns & Where to Find Them

List of hidden Gun locations in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR 2).


Algernon’s Revolver: Successfully complete the “Duchesses And Other Animals” Stranger mission to unlock it. Talk to Algernon Wasp in his shop in Saint Denis to begin this quest.


Calloway’s Revolver: Collect it from Slim Grant, one of the duelist targets you will pursue by talking to the writer in the saloon in Valentine. He will send you on “The Noblest Of Men, And A Woman” Stranger mission to defeat five duelists (Slim Grant is one of them). Talk to the Sheriff in Annesburg in Chapter 4-6 to find Slim Grant’s location.


Flaco’s Revolver: Collect it from Flaco Hernandez, one of the duelist targets you will pursue by talking to the writer in the saloon in Valentine. He will send you on “The Noblest Of Men, And A Woman” Stranger mission to defeat five duelists (Flaco Hernandez is one of them). Flaco can be found in his camp, which is located near Cairn Lake, outside Colter.


Granger’s Revolver: Collect it from Emmet Granger, one of the duelist targets you will pursue by talking to the writer in the saloon in Valentine. He will send you on “The Noblest Of Men, And A Woman” Stranger mission to defeat five duelists (Emmet Granger is one of them). Emmet Granger can be found at the homestead east of Flatneck Station.


Micah’s Revolver: Return to Micah’s camp on Mount Hagen after completing Epilogue 2. Loot Micah’s frozen corpse to collect his unique revolver, found at the site of the final shootout in “American Venom”.


Midnight Pistol: Collect it from Billy Midnight, one of the duelist targets you will pursue by talking to the writer in the saloon in Valentine. He will send you on “The Noblest Of Men, And A Woman” Stranger mission to defeat five duelists (Billy Midnight is one of them). Billy Midnight is accessible from the train station in Rhodes.


Otis Miller’s (Gold) Revolver: It is found in a hidden treasure chest, in a small cave north of Cholla Springs (along the northern mountains, west of Twin Rocks) in New Austin. To find the cave, you need two treasure hunt maps. One map piece is located at the Hermit Woman’s shack, east of the northernmost tip of Little Creek River in West Elizabeth. The second map piece is located in Manito Glade cabin, just north of Annesburg. Note: The Golden Revolver is only available after you begin the Epilogue. The treasure chest also will not appear until both pieces of the map are obtained.


Rare Rolling Block Rifle: Collect it from the sniper shooting from the barn at the end of the “Magicians For Sport” mission.


Rare Shotgun: Collect it from the Hermit. The Hermit can be found in a cave west of Hanging Dog Ranch. Deep in the cave, the Hermit will appear. You can talk to him up to five times. You need to wait three in-game days between each visit. If you kill him, he will drop the shotgun.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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