Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice – Ultimate Healing Gourd Achievement & Trophy Guide - Magic Game World

Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice – Ultimate Healing Gourd Achievement & Trophy Guide

1 69

Ultimate Healing Gourd Achievement & Trophy Guide

1 73 Fully upgraded the “Healing Gourd”



Ashina Outskirts

Gourd Seed #1: Outskirts Wall – Gate Path

Upon reaching the Outskirts Wall idol, you will progress to find General Naomori Kawarada blocking your path. A mini-boss that has a two deathblow requirement until death. Upon defeating him in combat, you will receive your first gourd seed.


  • Try stealth-stabbing him to get rid of the first deathblow easily.


  • Has a sweep attack.


  • Has a jumping attack.




Gourd Seed #2: Outskirts Wall – Stairway

After the Chained Ogre encounter, grapple to the building directly behind where he was chained and immediately turn to your left. Once inside, you should see a glowing item on the ground that will deliver you the next gourd seed!



Gourd Seed #3: Ashina Castle Gate

After defeating Gyoubu Oniwa, across the battlefield where you fought him, you will find a staircase. Upon following the staircase, turn to your right and walk towards a large tree. From the tree, directly to your left is another staircase with a vendor at the top.


  • The vendor sells the gourd seed for 1000 gold.




Ashina Castle

Gourd Seed #4: Ashina Castle

After defeating General Kuranosuke Matsumoto at the gates of the castle, you will have to grapple your way on the rightmost roofs to proceed into the castle. Follow the smoke signals on the roof and kill all the enemies in your path until you reach a small window that you can climb into.


Upon entering the window, grab the idol so that you can save your progress. Directly behind you will be a large chest. Opening the chest and grabbing the contents inside will net you your fourth gourd seed.




Gourd Seed #5: Ashina Castle

After defeating General Kuranosuke Matsumoto at the gates of the castle, turn right from the top of the steps and drop down. There will be an NPC that will ask you to kill all the enemies in the adjacent area. After doing so, he’ll travel back to your temple.


  • The vendor sells the gourd seed for 2000 gold.



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Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo

Gourd Seed #6: Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo

After getting your first Senpou idol, you will follow a trail where a dozen monks are meandering about aimlessly. In the back of this area is a large building. Slink up to the building and you’ll notice you can grapple through the ceiling. A room with three monks will hold your seed!

  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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