Startup Company Cheat Codes - Magic Game World

Startup Company Cheat Codes

Startup Company Cheat Codes

Follow these steps to use the cheat codes in Startup Company.




Hello, this guide will show you how to use the console of this game to cheat.


Please do not use these cheats along with the mod “SC Online,” as this will get you marked as a cheater. Use this only for Singleplayer “sandbox.”



Enabling Developer Mode

Before starting, you need to enable developer mode, Just press F12, and it should work.



Using the Console

Once developer mode is turned on, the Google Chrome “Developer Tools” tab will open along with the game when you start up.


Startup Company Cheat Codes


Once the game starts and you enter your “world,” go over to the Dev Tools tab and select from the menu on top “console.”


Startup Company Cheat Codes


From here, you will be able to write simple commands to help you in the game.



Cheat Codes

Code – Result

Cheats.GetMoney() – Sets your account balance to one million dollars.


Cheats.CompleteAllTasks() – Completes all of the tasks being done by employees.


Cheats.SkipADay() – Skips an in game day


Cheats.GetMaxTier() – Gives your company max tier.



Are one million dollars not enough?

If one million dollars is not enough, then you can set a specific amount of cash.


GetRootScope().settings.balance =

After the = write what specific amount of dollars you want your account balance set to.


Example on using the console;


Startup Company Cheat Codes


Note: Please remember to not use these cheats along with the mod “SC Online,” as this will get you marked as a cheater. Use this only for Singleplayer “sandbox.”


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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