Subnautica: Below Zero - Sanctuary Zero - Magic Game World

Subnautica: Below Zero – Sanctuary Zero

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Sanctuary Zero

Sanctuary Zero is an Alien Base that is located in the Twisty Bridges. It functions as a resting place for the core that houses Al-An’s mind, and is where he broadcasts messages from. Its name suggests that it shares a similar purpose to that of the Sanctuaries from Subnautica, however it is currently unknown if any other Almanac are stored here besides Al-An.


Sanctuary Zero is a location that Robin Goodall will visit while searching for her lost colleague, Jo Jeffreys. Having been warned by a broadcast at Alien Research Site Zero, Robin shifts her focus on finding out more about the Almanac. Her investigation will lead her towards the location of Sanctuary Zero.



Core Pedestal

Within Sanctuary Zero is the pedestal that holds Al-An’s core. Al-An converses with Robin, telling her that she is not allowed to leave the Sanctuary. Al-An activates the Sanctuary’s force fields, and Robin must remove the core from its pedestal in order to escape.



Consciousness Transfer Device

It is revealed that control over the facility is currently assigned to Al-An, who functions as the Sanctuary’s administrator. Robin uncovers a machine within the facility that allows her to transfer Al-An’s consciousness from the core to Robin. With Robin acting as a new storage vessel for Al-An’s mind, she is able to turn off the force fields and leave the facility.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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