Which Animals Should I Tame In Ark Mobile? - Magic Game World

Which Animals Should I Tame In Ark Mobile?


If it walks, flies, or slithers, you can eventually tame it. To start out, however, you won’t be riding a T-Rex or bringing a Brontosaurus into combat. You need to start small and work your way up as you level and learn new engrams.


Just how big a dino should you be trying to tame in the early game? There’s a good rule of thumb: are your low-level, and are they bigger than you? If the answer to that question is yes, don’t tangle with them yet. Even a Level 1 version of any of the bigger dinos will probably crush you in a few hits.


To start, Dodos are super easy to tame but don’t put up much of a fight. If you search the areas around the beaches, it shouldn’t be too hard to grab a Dilophosaurus. These don’t have so much health you can’t take them down, but they will also be more helpful in keeping you alive when an aggressive dino attacks.


When you start getting into the 16-20 levels, your go-to tame should be the Trike, which requires the Triceratops Saddle engram at Level 16. While riding a trike, it can harvest massive amounts of berries for you just by walking over resources.


To take down these larger beasts (like the Trike), the slingshot isn’t going to cut it, so you will need to learn the Narcotics, Mortar and Pestle, and Bow engrams.


With tranquilizer arrows in hand, larger dinos become much easier to knock out so you can begin the taming process. Keep in mind the bigger creatures take much, much longer to tame, however, so you will need a steady supply of food and will want to complete other tasks in the area while the timer counts down.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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