WoW Classic - Gathering Professions - Magic Game World

WoW Classic – Gathering Professions

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In Classic WoW, gathering professions are your hustle for pulling in all those raw materials spread across Azeroth. Whether you’re planning to boost your crafting skills or just looking to make a quick buck at the auction house, gathering’s where the grind starts.




With Herbalism, you’re roaming around, spotting and snatching up herbs and plants. It’s not just about picking flowers though… These greens are the lifeblood for Alchemists. Need to whip up a potion or elixir? You’re gonna need the right herbs.



Mining – Digging for Gold (and Other Stuff)

If you’re into Mining, you’re the dude with a pickaxe, hunting down those rich veins loaded with ores, gems, and stones. Once you’ve got a solid stash of ore, you can hit a forge and smelt it into shiny metal bars. And let me tell ya, those Blacksmiths and Engineers? They’re always hunting for these metals to craft some epic gear.



Skinning – More than Just a Scratch

For the Skinners out there, every beast you take down is a payday waiting to happen. Whip out that skinning knife, and you can harvest leather, hides, even scales from your fallen foes. And if you’re buddies with someone in Leatherworking, they’ll love you for it. That leather’s prime material for crafting some solid armor.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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