LEGO® The Incredibles – Return to Nomanisan Island - Story Mode Walkthrough - Magic Game World

LEGO® The Incredibles – Return to Nomanisan Island – Story Mode Walkthrough

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Enemies: Nomanisan Island Guard, Security Drone


Starting Characters: Mr. Incredible, Gazerbeam


True Super: 115,000


1. Head to the right and down the stairs, then use the technology panel. Move each of the spheres into the correct colored slot to lower a bridge. Cross it, then cut through the gold panel. Continue into the room, then head to the right. Cut through the gold panel, then use the Incredible panel to pick up the block. Carry it to the left, then hop up the walls as Gazerbeam. Grab onto the railing, then shimmy to the right. Hop up the blocks, then use the technology panel to shut off the lasers. Toss Gazerbeam across the gap, then destroy the glowing object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a beam, allowing Mr. Incredible to cross. Press the button to call in the elevator.


2. You need to collect 4 Incredibricks. Toss Gazerbeam onto the chandelier to grab the first Incredibrick. Hop off the chandelier to knock it down, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a bell, then hit it to reveal a cake. Destroy it to reveal the second Incredibrick. Use the super strength handle on the right to reveal a gold panel. Destroy it to reveal cracked blocks and a rotary handle. Smash through the cracked blocks to reveal walls, then hop up them to reach the third Incredibrick. Turn the rotary handle to reveal the final Incredibrick. Complete the family build to build a statue, then use the Incredible point to pick it up. Carry it towards the lava.


3. Head down the path, then destroy the glowing object to reveal a multi-build. Build the left object, then pull the lever to raise the bridge. Cross it, then head to the right. Stand behind the crates and head to the right. Alternatively you can grab one of the boxes and hide in that to cross. Once across, use the Incredible point to lift up the generator. Use Gazerbeam to hop onto the railings and onto the upper ledge. Push the block to the edge to create a ladder, allowing Mr. Incredible to join you. Use the super strength handle to create poles. Swing across them, then turn the valve to reverse the flow of the boxes. Use the Incredible point to lift the door on the left, then cross under it as Gazerbeam. Press the button to fully open the door, then destroy the glowing console to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to raise part of the bridge to the center console. Head back to the center and destroy the multi-build, then build the right object. Pull the lever to raise the bridge, then cross. Head to the left, then toss Gazerbeam onto the railing. Press the button on the platform to raise up a platform. Hop to the right, then hop across the pillars, watching out for the goo cannons. Hop onto the moving platform, then hop off to the left. Continue to the left and hop up the blocks, avoiding the goo cannons. Cut through the gold panel to reveal a super strength handle, then use it to start rotating the blocks. Hop up the blocks to the top of the tower, then destroy the glowing console to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to raise the rest of the bridge to the center. Return to the center and walk across the bridge to end the level.


Unlocked Characters: Gazerbeam


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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